Still Life Drawings
Drawing has always been important to me. I have found the search to capture correctness regarding shape relationships to be of the utmost importance. Although pentimenti are often submerged within the tonal rendering of a work, I nonetheless consider these marks as integral to my drawing and painting. I feel that extraneous, searching marks can imbue a work with a sense of the complex, binocular human sight system. Discovering the “right” contour of a shape is rarely an automatic endeavor. Instead, it involves manipulating an image to hint at human perception and at times, manipulating empirical correctness for the sake of design balance.
"Batteries and Bones: Line Up," 1985, black and white chalk on gray paper
Batteries and Bones: Apotheosis," 1985, black and white chalk on gray paper
"Batteries and Bones: Off the Cliff," 1985, black and white chalk on gray paper
"Bones and Toy Bracelets: Jubilee," 1986, silverpoint with white acrylic on toned paper
"Pencils and Bones," 1987, black and white chalk on gray paper
Still Life with Vesuvius Lava and Mouthpiece," 1988, black chalk
"Nana's Pitcher with Limes," 1995, black chalk
"Still Life with Portrait Painting," 1995, black chalk
"Bottle, Vessel ad Funnel," 1995, black chalk
"Drill and Hammer," 1987, charcoal
"Still Life with Hand Brace and Femur," 1999, watercolor wash
"Autoparts, Bamboo, and Snail Pot," 1998, watercolor wash
"Still Life with Auto Parts," 1999, watercolor wash
"Still Life with Owl Bank," 1999, watercolor wash
"Still Life with Horseshoe Crab Shell and Skull," 1998, watercolor wash
Still Life with Notched Trowel," 1998, watercolor wash
"Still Life with Rusty Bolt and Ignition Coil," 1998, watercolor wash
""Rico," 1998, watercolor wash
"Still Life with Diploma and Bugle," 1998, watercolor wash
Still Life with Blowtorch," 1999, watercolor wash
"Still Life with Drumstick," 1998, watercolor wash
"Still Life with Transmission Gear and Brush," 1998, watercolor wash
Still Life with Auto Part and Twine, 1999, watercolor wash
"Still Life with Popcorn Bag and Skull," 1999, watercolor wash
"Still Life with Fixture and Bamboo," 1999 watercolor wash
"Surinam Toad," 2004, graphite on paper, 10"x8"
"Je Suis Charlie," 2015, ink on paper, 12"x9"
"Spotting It," 2014, ink on paper, 12"x9"
"This Machine Surrounds Hate...," 2014, black and white ink on paper, 12"x9"
"Oily to Rise," 2014, ink on paper, 11 3/16" x 71/2"
"Korean BBQ," 2017, ink on paper, 10"x8"
"Hail!/Still Life with toy and Bumper Sticker," 2017, ink on paper, 10"x8"
"A Lot to Fix for 46," 2017, black and white ink on paper, 10"x8"
"MacArthur Gets the Boot, 2017, black ad white inks on paper, 12"x9"
"The Unflinching Gaze of History/Still Life with 2 toys and Plaster Cast," 2017, black and white inks on paper, 12"x12"
"Monstrous Diplomacy," 2018, Black and white inks on paper, 12"x9"
"Venus", graphite on paper, 10"x10", 2014 (Hallspace Drawing Project)
"Cake and Roll," 2018, ink on paper, 10"x5 1/2"
"Not A.D.D.ing Up in the Classroom," 2018, ink on paper, 12"x9"
"A Humpback Wail...", graphite and Lumograph pencils on paper, 12"x9", 2020
"A Humpback Wail...", (detail)