1997: Recent Work by Gerry Perrino
Po Gallery, May4 -June 1, 1997
My statement for this exhibit is lost. So, I will attempt to represent the motivation behind the work in the 1999 show.
This exhibit was conceived as an extension of the imagery I produced for my previous show at Po Gallery, 1993. In that show, I produced a series of paintings and drawings that revolved around my family’s former dairy. In assessing that body of work, I felt that the work would have been more effective if the format had been larger. I was determined to produce work that was engaging by virtue of its size; depicting scenes on a scale that seemed to project the viewer into the actual space. The works in 1999 were the largest I had ever attempted, being in the range of 4’x6’ in size.
The theme in this work was largely the same as was that in the 1993 exhibit, one that emphasized a lamentation of a shrinking manufacturing base and the many resulting, abandoned and rundown factories that had begun dotting the New England landscape.